Originally Posted by freebeard
Would that it were so simple.
I'm currently in the middle of [Episode 364 Scott Adams: RPOS, The Steel Barrier and Climate Persuasion]. He argues (starting at 10:20) that the objective truth is unknowable and you can only look at the persuasion on both sides. And both sides are equally persuasive.
So you get a rebuttal to the rebuttal to the rebuttal, and it's turtles all the way down.
I think that the scientists go for empirical evidence based upon observation,make a hypothesis,see if they can destroy the hypothesis,then if they can't,represent the thing numerically,and see if the output resembles reality within some standard deviation.
Climatologists admit that they'll never have a perfect model,but they also believe that you don't make the perfect the enemy of the good.
(and have you heard about fossil-fuel stock prices now that they're obligated to pay for all past and present climate research,to prove the safety of their products? Plus,remove all their carbon dioxide from the atmosphere?)