Hemp composite doors could hold very well while hammered heavily with a huge hammer, due vibration dampening ability. Not huge impressive hardness strenght itself... But I imagined it was somehow stronger than flax, but not as good as carbon fiber.
I imagine it can compare to carbon fiber only in special circunstances, like a door do not get broke, like flat areas bend and absorbs impact, but not compare to structural strenght of cabon fiber to chassis.
There is already a lab hemp 100% free of THC, that I supose need no special growning conditions to avoid the THC. This should be enough to avoid legal problems and avoid drug dealer and drug users.
The ecologic propertis of hemp, like low water required, fast growning, strong resistance to insects, make it a powerfull plant. Just the drug needed to be genetically removed.
Originally Posted by freebeard
Flax should have properties similar to hemp.
Vibration damping is also a property basalt fiber.
Basalt also bend instead of shattering.
It's the same plant. Just a different part of the plant grown grown under different conditions.