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Old 01-14-2019, 03:50 PM   #156 (permalink)
Isaac Zackary
Full sized hybrid.
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Suzy - '13 Toyota Avalon Hybrid XLE
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Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard View Post
The cost of the battery is unlikely to matter. None of the 4 EV's we have had (3 leased, 1 purchased) have shown any noticeable loss of capacity; let alone need replacing.
Every buyer's/leaser's circumstances are different. And this plus the battery "problem" is what prevents mass EV adoption. I live where it's cool and my Leaf didn't lose hardly any capacity. But my needs to drive far in below 0°F weather over miles and miles of barren highway with no place to plug in ended up making me rethink whether owning an EV was really such a good idea in my situation.

For others, they live where it's hot and where batteries die quickly. Others can only afford used cars, so whether EV's come with a warranty or not makes no difference for them. Some have to drive long distances like me. Some of us live where Tesla hasn't even started putting in quick charging stations. I did a 700 mile trip, mostly at speeds of 35mph and charging off of 120V outlets for the most part in my 2013 Leaf, which even though I bought used and got a 24% Colorado tax credit was still the most expensive car I had ever bought. Sure, all that was fun for me, but for someone else that's ridiculous.

The point is that if for any one small reason an EV doesn't look like it will work out, people just won't buy one.
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