Originally Posted by westygo
Here are some pics.
westygo, I've been posting ideas on using with
serrated lawn edging in an attempt to get someone to build it for a few years now.
My own chin spoiler experiments and develop lead me to believe this would be the superior conclusion.
The chin spoiler on my truck has held up so well I never had a reason to do it there. And on my old Porsche I have other plans that include a larger deflector style plate/pan splitter/
undertray for steep driveways.
I've booked-marked this thread for next time someone asks about chin spoilers.
The only deviations I would promote over what your have done with
serrated lawn edging is using conveyor belt material in lieu of ABS and perhaps rethinking the Gurney flaps at the ends. I like them for the added strength factor, still on the fence about the drag aspect. They are small compared to the rest of the car, so you have that in your favor.
As it stands, this is a most excellent example of how to do a chin spoiler.
Any additional documentation and photos of the attachment, back support and reinforcement details would be appreciated.
I want to see more of that "undertray".