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Old 09-04-2008, 08:01 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Didn't basjoos say that his Civic now sheds rain well enough that he barely needs the wipers?
I was looking into the whole wheel fairing thing. It is disappointing that Ford figured out exactly what I have written above, actually spent money on getting it to work and then shelved the whole idea. I'll bet the engineers who spent years working on the encapsulating steerable fender are even more disappointed.
I think that if you can get to the bolts that hold the shock absorber to the steering knuckle you should be able to use these as mounting points for the rear part of the wheel cover device. For additional strength a few bolts could be put through the brake shield, or you could just replace the brake shield entirely with the back side of the wheel cover.
So build yourself the back plate, and then the curved section that wraps the wheel, and then some sort of attachment system for the front plate. It has to be easy to remove to fill the tires or remove built-up snow. Maybe wing nuts or magnets. It should then be possible to install a basjoos-style skirt.
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