Originally Posted by oil pan 4
So global cooling caused by a volcanic eruption caused more tornadoes.... Then man made global warming is supposed to cause more, but it hasn't happened yet, but it will, eventually, which is starting to seem like never.
Mmmm hmmm.
And you wonder why people are skeptical what the global warming scientists are pushing.
You don't understand.
Krakatoa cooled the atmosphere for a couple of years
the oceans stayed as warm as they were as they don't drop fast
the difference between atmospheric and sea water temperatures became larger, which most likely caused the high number of tornadoes in the 1880s.
Which are therefore an anomaly not related to climate development.
That should be clear? If not, how can you not see? How?
Krakatoa also emitted a large quantity of CO2, but that admittedly would have had little to do with the short term weather effects.
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For confirmation go to people just like you.
For education go to people unlike yourself.