Originally Posted by oil pan 4
I don't think a sample size of 40 years is going to show anything useful on a system as large and as complicated as the earth.
Especially since the definition of climate change is change over at least a century time scale.
We didn't even have instrumented surface buoys with telemetry until fairly recently.
Salinity,density,temperature,surface currents,intermediate currents,deep water currents,seafloor topography,winds,freshwater sources,heat transport,nutrient transport,convection gyres,overturning currents,polynas,upwellings,downwellings,ice cover dynamics,radiative forcings,astronomical forcings,anthrpogenic forcings,ice rubble,icebergs,ice-rafted detritus,etc.,all would have to be captured in realtime and fed into high-resolution models which continue to evolve.
It is complicated.They do the best they can.There are people struggling to hamstring their progress due to the economic implications of what they're learning.
If you want the conspiracy,follow the money.