I'm not sure if I should just ask it here or start a new thread elsewhere, but with all the aeromods one could make, which ones are considered the low hanging fruit? I guess it seems like most people start off with grill blocks and wheel skirts first?
Svoboy: Not too sure how I'd go about doing aerocovers on the wheels. You mean like pizza pans right? I don't think I'm ever going to do a boattail on this car, but it would be interesting trying to bolt it onto where the trunk bolts.
Johnny: Thanks for the link.
Vince: Besides a catback, the car is all stock. I know if you just gut the cat out of the up-pipe you'll still see some large power gains. I don't really race the car though so there's not much point in me doing any power upgrades.
Carlos: The evo wasn't for sale here when I got the wrx, but even if it was I wouldn't have gotten it. I don't off-road the car, but some of the roads I go onto are pretty rough. I really don't use my trunk at all except for when I go on trips.
Bbjsw10: Most of the time I'm either accelerating or coasting in neutral, so I'm not too sure how much of a difference lighter oils in the diff would make.
Neil: That's what I was thinking about doing with the foglamp area. I'm not too sure about grill blocking yet, but I'll learn what I need to know later. It looks like right now I've got the upper opening between the headlamps and the lower opening between the foglamps. Seems like right now my car stays between 193 and 200 degrees Fahrenheit. So I guess if I start playing with grill blocking I'd want to be monitoring the temps and try to keep them in between that? I could remove the spoiler but then there'd be holes in the trunk. And the radio antenna, I think I can push it down to where just the tip is poking out. I never use the radio anyway so actually it wouldn't be that big a deal if I just removed the antenna completely.
Schwaebz: Yeah I'm not gonna mess it up with aeromods. What I want to do one day is convert a car to an ev. It seems like with ev's the difference in range between city driving and highway driving is pretty large. The motor is just as efficient with both types of driving but on the highway there's more wind resistance. So it seems like to me if you can make the aerodynamics better at 50+mph, it would seem like the range in city or highway driving would start to be the same.
