A new poll says that 68% of America are unwilling to pay $10 a month to fight climate change.
57% of Americans would pay $1.
I would pay a dollar, if I didn't already dive an electric car and burn renewable, waste fire wood for most of my home heating.
Oh and all that money I spent planting trees on my land.
Then also I plan on paying cash for a 2017 hyundai sonata plug in hybrid lease turn in later this year.
I'm going to need that dollar.
Just a little FYI I tried Google searing for this article almost by name and Google couldn't find it.
Bing found them all no problem.
Google gave me some ridiculously biased articles saying how most Americans want to give money to the government to fight climate change.
Repeat a lie until it comes true much?
According to CNBC 49% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck so they simply can't afford to puff the global warming crack pipe.