30mpg stock 03 Avalon
When I was a teenager I used to beat the crap out of my car, to the point that I’m surprised my car and I are still alive. Fast forward a few years I’m in my 20s and I’m a little more conscious of my driving habits. Recently I stumbled across this website and was fascinated at the mods and driving techniques used for hypermiling. I figured I’d give it a whirl. For my baseline I’ve been getting between 18 and 24 mpg. After my first fill up I saw an imeadiate increase at 26.5 mpg. I was so excited by this drastic improvement I wanted to push it even farther. For the next tank I filled up my tires to 40psi instead of the normal 35. In addition the the hard tires I also used engine of coasting wherever it was safe to do so down hill, stoplights etc. I drove 296.7 and it only took 9.808 gallons to fill up the tank. Sitting at the gas station I quickly did the math and was astounded when I realized I just squeaked out 30.25 mpg out of my stock 03 Avalon. Granted this was combined city and highway driving I didn’t believe it at first and had to double check the math. I’m very happy with the success I’ve had in such a short time. I think I may have discovered a new hobby.