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Old 02-01-2019, 03:13 PM   #51 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jamesqf View Post
Still holds true today. Horses can go lots of places where wheeled vehicles can't. Even when they can go the same places, you can pretty well trust a trained horse to do its part of the job, where with a dirt bike or quad, you have to be driving it every second.
Yet, I do not think anyone is going to convince people today that 'ICE vehicles are impractical and will not overtake horses in some situations, so they are never going to be as good as horses in almost all other situations in the future...' but it feels like that is what is being said about electrically driven vehicles in this thread by some people.

I realize that there are some technical issues to be resolved or improved to make EVs better than ICE in all ways, but I think it is completely in the realm of physics and science... and within the near future, say 10 years.

These improvements will not require something to be changed fundamentally or drastically, just improvements that are already working in lab and controlled settings.

Companies are pouring billions of dollars into battery technology, electric motors are very efficient now, so I just am surprised about the resistance to EVs in this forum.

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