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Old 02-02-2019, 10:34 PM   #60 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by aerohead View Post
An EV pickup is a concession to at least,CAFE and climate change.
Since the F-150 is mostly targetted to Americans, with a smaller availability through official imports on foreign markets and some grey-imports elsewhere which attracts more people trying to get in touch with the American Way of Life instead of addressing an actual hauling need, I guess CAFE has a greater weight on that matter than any concern about climate change. I don't see any tree-hugger buying an F-150.

As to climate change,perhaps those who will be the early adopter F-150 EV purchasers,wouldn't necessarily prioritize fuel price as a deciding factor in the purchase.They'd be going for zero carbon.That's what I mean about their calculus.
Maybe it will be more attractive at least in a shorter term for the fleet market addressing the needs of businesses which effectively need a truck but want to look cool in the eyes of those tree-huggers who are most likely to never buy a truck.
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