Originally Posted by redpoint5
Lifespan was arbitrarily chosen at 40 years. Most plants get 20 year extensions, and it's expected most could get further extensions beyond that, up to 100 years.
Nuclear reactor life spans get extended - US news - Environment | NBC News
Nuclear "waste" is not a problem. They could store it in my backyard for all I care. I'll charge a fee for the privilege, along with a release of ownership that way I can sell it back to the energy companies when they begin building reactors that run on "waste".
Vermont's nuke plants are being decommissioned due to political pressure and cheap natural gas electricity, not due to safety concerns. Vermont also has the highest electricity price in the 48 states, and has to import most of the electricity they consume.
Vermont Yankee was literally falling down, and leaking radioactive water into the groundwater.
Pilgrim had FIVE unscheduled shutdowns in the past year or so. Hardly dependable.