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Old 02-10-2019, 12:28 PM   #11 (permalink)
All Darc
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I'm forced to tell you that maybe be worth do check with a bas-tard, oops, I mean a doctor, to see if there is anything wrong with your eyes. Just to be sure, since some problems can be detected earlier to treated better, but a self prescription glass could hide a problem until it became too serious.

Medical science helped dogs, but not humans : Years ago they studied a pair of identical chinese twins that borned with congenital cataract, and neither parents had cataract. They checked the genome of the twins and the parents and found out it was a mutation that happend to the twins, since no parents had the mutation. More studies showed that the mutation altered a gene responsible to produce a substance, now not being produced in the eyeball of the twins. They concluded such substance was responsible to keep the eye's crystallin clear. They tested it with intraocular injections on rabbits and dogs, and it worked cleaning well low and meddium degree of cataract, and almost cleaning all in advanced cataract.
So they decided to test in humans, AND IT FAILED !!!

Started with humans DNA research, but only worked in animals.

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