Yep! Was hoping to put in a call to one of the local shops Thursday or Friday to schedule an appointment for Monday or Tuesday to have them mounted, but things came up and I wasn't able to, and both of the more highly reviewed places are closed on the weekend.
Paint ideas? Don't particularly want to keep the gaudy yellow, although I won't be able to paint them until spring break most likely.
Silver would look good, from the pics that The Donkey CRX did on his, but it seems like silver is really easy to mess up?
Gunmetal gray was another color I was considering.
Or I might chicken out and go black. It doesn't look as bad as I thought it would. Painting the OEM rims black would be atrocious IMO.
Here's a pic of a red Insight that someone over on Insight Central mounted space savers on and painted them black:;d=1508162393