Originally Posted by oil pan 4
4 degrees cooler is unhabitable too. We know the earth will return to an ice age sooner rather than later.
That's "whataboutism" - and it is moot. We are not going to have an ice age. You see - the sun is unexpectedly (slightly) weaker at the moment - and we are still warming. Rapidly.
If we escape run away warming - with the unknowns coming from melting tundra, melting methane ice on the Arctic floor, carbon dioxide being released from the warming ocean (after having been being absorbed so far) - and several other major feedback amplifiers - then we will be incredibly lucky.
Are you okay with 50% poorer crop production? How about millions of deaths, and 100's of millions of displaced people? What happens when the 6 rivers fed by Himalayan glaciers diminish? This only affects about HALF the world's people ...