Originally Posted by Frank Lee
I'm not going to load the car with ballast just so it's loaded "properly". Yes, it is overpowered. I've long thought of disabling two of the four cylinders, or repowering with a smaller engine. But it runs good, reliably, and reasonably efficient so there we are.
The act of shifting is in itself inefficient. Skip-shifting gets me in top gear quicker. Fewer clutch activations. Fewer quick throttle-offs. Fewer throttle-ons when accelerating.
Reasonable and efficient. Agreed. MPG is only a marker and far from the important ones.
And I’m well aware of skip-shifting. Even though it goes against best chances of long term reliability.
So the question for any of us is power-to-weight. So far as I can tell, everything out there is overpowered. Even when loaded.