Thread: Tesla Model 3
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Old 03-01-2019, 02:11 PM   #927 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by samwichse View Post
I'd like the deal better if they had some kind of rental deal with say... Hertz where you could rent a car for a week, then say you liked it and bought one, the rental fee would be applied to your purchase by Tesla.

Going through everything to buy a car and getting it licensed and everything seems like a pretty high bar to test drive for a week and decide you don't like it.
Agreed. I'm not going to buy a car to test drive it.

Lets move a bit into the future and say the Model Y is out. How does someone decided whether they want the Model 3 or Y? Do they buy both and drive them for a week?

Also today, Tesla has almost no competition. What happens in 5 years or so when every major brand has multiple EVs that are available to test drive and purchase same day. Will people still buy a car they have never driven and then wait for delivery?

Partnering with a major rental car company would be a great way to allow test drives
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