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Old 03-02-2019, 09:01 PM   #153 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Taylor95 View Post
I will truly be impressed when they can equal the range of some trucks I know of (like 700+ miles on a 35 gallon tank). What will keep ICE appealing is the short fueling times and they are still better for long distance travel.
Why waste the extra 25 gallons in the truck .. take your lunch box in an Insight and go 700+ miles on just ~10 Gallons

Originally Posted by Taylor95 View Post
I did not know that you can repair batteries. I wonder if that is feasible to do yourself.
More often repair battery packs , by replacing the bad or weak modules, or cells.

It is easier than engine rebuilds , transmission rebuilds , etc .. things that numerous back yard mechanics do .. but like those , it does take some tools , knowledge , and skills.

Cost is a tiny fraction of new.

As more PHEV, HEV , BEVs get out there .. the availability trends to increases .. the costs trend to cheaper and cheaper.

Originally Posted by redpoint5
Power generation must match demand at all times, so cars hopping on and off the grid can really be tricky to manage.
Although a long way off .. eventually with larger scale energy storage .. those two are no longer 'must match' .. and then the generation only has to meet the 'average' over an extended period of time.

Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
So not much of a point in building chargers faster than the current 120kw units.
Humans have a history of wanting more .. and then afterwards rationalizing why we now 'need' that thing we lived fine without before .. rinse , repeat.

As far as I've read .. they seem to be already pushing for 350-400kw 'next generation' ultra fast chargers (using grid buffer battery) , to start appear for public in the 2020's.

At ~3 miles per kwh .. ~400kw is a ~1,200 MPH charging rate

GM Partnership
Charge Point
BMW / Porshe


The one other thing I didn't notice mentioned about a vehicle fire comparison .. is just simple energy .. it is after all , the definition of the ability to do work .. any kind of work you like to do requires some amount of energy to do it .. and the more energy you have , then the more work you can do .. be it move a car .. or burn something to ash .. and because of the horribly low conversion efficiency from fuel to shaft of the ICE vehicles , it is very common for them to carry with them many many times more energy .. the ~35 Gallons mentioned above is about ~1200 kwh of flammable chemical energy (depending on the type) .. it would take about ~10 fully charged high range Teslas to have enough energy to create as much of a fire/heat/etc as that 1 ICE vehicles 35 gallons .. it would be more likely for any one vehicle .. such as one with that one 35 gallon ~1200 kwh to have an issue , than it would be to simultaneously have 10 vehicles in the same place, just to get the same ~1200kwh of energy to do the same work.
Life Long Energy Efficiency Enthusiast
2000 Honda Insight - LiFePO4 PHEV - Solar
2020 Inmotion V11 PEV ~30miles/kwh
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