Last summer I made a error in entering the fueling amount and SG II was "whacked" really badly. My guess is you might have done the same.
I only use it in my rental cars so I don't stay real familiar with the calibration portion. Anyhow, I did what seemed intuitive at one stop and ended up having to reset the unit. Can't recall exactly what I did wrong but as they say, "garbage in garbage out." My attempts to correct my entry error only seemed to make it get worse. Reset to the rescue.
I was running the SG II along with the computer in a new Impala. The Impala's computer was awfully good at doing the fuel so my error was quickly pointed out.
BTW hypermiling the GM V6 with cylinder de-activation is pretty easy. Makes for a nice ride. And SG II worked fine. (they have a note that says cylinder deactivation can cause problems with SG, it didn't on the Impala, worked beautifully)