Originally Posted by Taylor95
That's just amazing-- I've always thought of EVs as new technology.
I think this can add to our discussion. What do you think mainly caused EVs to die out back then?
The energy density, cheap storage, and transportability of liquid fuel. And low price. The historical trend average for crude up until 2002 was $20/ barrel. 1 gallon of diesel contains 38 kWh.
Originally Posted by Taylor95
Why will that not happen in this era?
Volkswagon has stated that the new engine they are developing for 2020 will be produced for up to 10 years but is the last ICE engine they intend to develop. Replacing ICE engines is not just about CO2 emissions. There is only 20 years of cheap oil left. We need to start transitioning all oil consumption now to stretch what we have left and learn a whole new way of life before oil starts to leave us.
Oil near the top. Gas for heat, fertilizer, cement production-70 years. Coal for another 200. If we can still run the giant machines needed to level mountains to get at it without cheap liquid fuel.