Originally Posted by oldtamiyaphile
Good to see people still updating this as it's way more accurate than OBD units.
I'm interested in updating my Guino.
A full break down of screen options would be useful. Maybe easier posted in a video. Like can I change the l/hr screen to l/100? Looking at it now none of the screens are really useful to me.
I use current litres/100, current trip l/100, voltage (I use LiFe batteries) and speed (I sometimes use 'big speed' on long trips as it's easier to read/more accurate than some old style pre-speed camera speedos).
I particularly dislike DTE being at the top, that's not something you should need to check every time you drive. It belongs at the bottom in smaller text.
Will they all be pre-assembled or will you sell kits? Kits might get more units into people's cars sooner.
Hey mate,
I appreciate the response! yes, far more accurate than OBD units. Cant beat 0.5% accuracy! the pump at the servo is less accurate than these things, so it's almost impossible to be more accurate anyway
Ok so,
Any configuration can be made on the screens. Any helpful ideas would be appreciated.
L/hour turn into L/100kms as soon as speed is detected

The large text screen can display any information on the other screens. Currently there are 5 all up. For some reason I like seeing DTE personally but I can make infinite pages in there with any configuration. Maybe the top 5-6 ideas can remain. It remembers what page (and brightness) is set each time the power is removed so your favourite will always be there when you turn it on.
the only feature that isn't currently in the hardware is the voltage readout. I could add this into a new revision of the board if interest is there.
I am hesitant to offer un assembled boards, as the surface mount ribbon connection is a dam nightmare to hand solder and often produces trouble until done correctly. I would gladly hand them out as kits with a "don't contact me for support" rule :P otherwise full support is of course available for any assembled units