Originally Posted by All Darc
Is that true that each ice age lasts 3x more than a non ice age?
Is that true that a given ice age covered new york with a 3 mile high ice layer?
Even a 0,5 mile high of ice layer would be hard to believe.
There are lots of indications how high the ice was in (now) temperate zones, like this:
Giant ripple marks at Markle Pass near Camas Hot Springs, Montana.
Paul L. Weis and William L. Newman [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
You know the ripples in the sand at the beach left by the retreating tide.
What about ripples exactly like that, but 100 times bigger?
The assumption is these were caused by giant floods when thick land ice starts to melt, creating giant lakes in the ice.
When the surrounding ice wears thin that side may collapse and release all the water in one gigantic deluge. As the sediment in the ripples seems to originate from hundreds of miles away you can imagine the scale and sheer force.
Events like these will happen on Greenland and Antarctica in the near future.
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lifetime FE over 0.2 Gigameter or 0.13 Megamile.

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