There's a setting you can adjust in the SG to adjust DFCO detection. I don't remember what it's called though - check the manual.
There's no problem with your car as OBD gauges don't measure fuel at all, only air. When SG detects a closed TPS and pulling Timing Advance it 'assumes' DFCO, it doesn't actually 'know. Fine tuning is what that adjustment is for.
(In diesels it assumes DFCO at closed TPS and falling road speed - it never picked up DFCO at all in my VW TDI, but worked out of the box with Ford and Renault diesels.)
I've had my SG, UG and Torque Pro through several cars and there are almost always nuances in setting them up right that varies from vehicle to vehicle.
Last edited by oldtamiyaphile; 03-19-2019 at 09:44 PM..