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Old 03-21-2019, 01:49 PM   #286 (permalink)
AKA - Jason
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I find it interesting that the developed world seems like it would rather look for the next pie-in-the-size technology instead of implement what we have today.

We just met our new executive yesterday (1 level down from the CEO) He spent the last 10 years running operations in India. The latest assembly plant in India runs on 70% solar energy. The solar arrays broke even in a few years and today they are saving massive amounts of money compared to grid power AND don't have to deal with daily power outages.

I think renewable energy will follow the same path as telephone technology. Invented in the developed world but embraced in the developing world. They skipped over landlines and jumped straight to cellular. Plenty of places in the developing world have better mobile networks than the USA because they skipped the early steps and went straight to LTE. The same will happen with electricity. Places were the grid doesn't exist or it is unreliable will jump straight to locally generated renewable energy.
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