Electrician Question - Connecting detached garage
My parents have 2 electrical meters and pay the monthly connection fee on both meters, but the property only has 1 habitable house (house2)
Attached shows the current electrical connections in yellow, and the proposed connection in orange, with the idea to eventually eliminate the House1 meter and electric service.
My question is, what type and gauge of wire should be run from house2 to the garage 100 ft away? There's already a 1" buried conduit running from the house2 panel to the garage. BTW, the garage is used as a shop, so 240v is needed for a compressor.
Can we run house2 > garage > barn from the house2 service panel, about 400 ft total? The barn electrical requirements are minimal, just needing 120v for minimal lighting and an outlet.
I'm pitching the project to my parents as a way to reduce the monthly connection fee for the redundant service, but my interest is for everything to be electrically connected so I can run data over electrical for surveillance cameras.