Originally Posted by ksa8907
You have an existing breaker box in the garage? So, just tie that to the new run from the new house, run power out to the old house and barn from the panel in the garage on a 15 or 20 amp breaker so it will trip (hopefully) before the breaker at the new house?
That certainly would work. In the 3rd attached image above, it shows the breaker panel in the garage, and it looks like there is room for 1 more breaker.
That said, If I can run 2 strands of THWN for say $35, it might make more sense as it also doubles the capacity that can be simultaneously used.
Rant- My dad has a 2nd deep freezer in the old house; the other one is in the garage. Then he has 2 giant refrigerators in the house with freezers. My mom and dad live there. Anytime someone gives him something, he thinks he has to use it. His friend just gave him an electric shop heater and he's asking me to wire in a circuit for it even though he's already got propane heaters.
Someone made off with my jetski and trailer, which is the final straw that is pushing me to install security cameras, but I wouldn't mind if thieves would make off with some of the junk lying around. Perhaps a spare tractor, some heaters or freezers...