Originally Posted by oldtamiyaphile
Well yes, it's more like 30% conversion so you need 100kWh of fuel to repay that stop, or a bit under 200,000 stop signs.
If you're assuming 30% efficiency, it's closer to 120,000 for a rolling 1 mph stop to save one gallon, 60,000 for 2 mph, and so on (because K = 42.9% of Q, which is itself only 70% of total E). Even if you have 5 different stop signs on your commute, and roll through all of them consistently, that's only 1250 stops per year assuming a two week vacation, no other holidays, and a five-day work week. At 4 mph, that's a payback time to save one gallon of
12 years. Now, how many gallons could you buy for the cost of one ticket? And how many people are consistently and constantly rolling through every stop sign at 4 mph? If this is really a concern, I would take slowmover's advice and find a different route!