Did a little searching on the web. Combines run about 250 hours per year, generally about 1 gallon per acre or 15-20 gallons per hour depending on Corn or soy beans. Off road diesel is $2.40, off road (before road taxes if they make such a thing) E85 is $1.49.
The lowest primary distribution voltage is 2300 volts, so that would over 50 amps per phase, throw that over every farmer trying to do the same thing and the system is going down. Alliant my provider has shut down 3 coal plants in the last few year, broke an agreement with the only nuclear plant in iowa making it shut down earlier than planned and installed some wind mills but are asking to up our rates by 25%.
A surge in capacity like that is better served with a liquid fuel even if BTU expensive.
The closest wild mills are 6 miles north and 2 west, this morning not one was moving. I can see 20-30 when I hit the high spot south of town.
Last edited by roosterk0031; 04-08-2019 at 09:20 PM..