Originally Posted by pete c
Of course the AC techs don't want this being used. It is freely available. And I get a kick out o fpeople that talk about what will happen in a front end crash. Worst case, you will have a very short duration flash fire. And you are in the car....behind the FIREWALL.
I may try this on the cab AC of my 87 Toyota Sunrader RV.
And there is one more benefit not yet mentioned. Propane is a ginormous molecule. Much less prone to leaking at seals. And if it does leak very slowly, who gives a sheeet? It is dirt cheap.
I believe the r12 / r134a substituters were using about 70 percent butane and 30 percent propane to achieve the same vapor pressure in the system. As usual, a txv works better than a fixed orifice, but is less tolerant of being undercharged.