Originally Posted by JSH
You would have to find the phone number first. Tesla's "contact us" page does not list a phone number for anything except roadside assistance.
I suspect it would go like this:
Customer: Hello, I would like to order a Standard Model 3 for $35,000
Tesla: I'm sorry sir but the delivery time for the $35,000 Model 3 is 18 months. Would you like to order the Standard 3 Plus for only $39,500? We can deliver it is 2 weeks.
Customer: No thanks, I would like to order the $35,000 Model 3.
Tesla: OK, we will add you to the reservation list. That will be $2,500 and we will notify you when it is time to configure your car.
Then somehow you will never make it to the top of the list but Tesla will call every week or so to see if you would like to order the Standard Plus with a 2 week delivery.
Side Note: After visiting the Model 3 sales page to see if there is a number to call I've noticed you can order today for delivery in 2 weeks. What happened to all those reservations?
I'll bet you $40,000 I can order and receive the $35,000 Model 3 in less than 18 months.