Last night I forgot to plug in the car.
So with an fully flat battery i needed to drive to work and back. A total of 52km. The result?
Average fuel consumption of 4,1l/100km!
Damn that was low. It is a hair more expensive then if i had charged the car. Cost of driving was almost the same.
Lucky for me this year i will have my home made powerwall of +40kWh with 7200wp solarpanels. The panels are installed. Now it is waiting for enough funds for some expensive electronics.
Drive smart, save fuel, save money, spare the enviroment
But keep having fun!
I can drift
Previous car. SUV. From 2011 + 10l/100km to 2017 5,516l/100km.
2017 without holiday: 5,397l/100km
EPA Rated average: 8,1l/100km
Current ride: plug in 285hp hybrid
EPA Rated average: 2,8l/100km