Originally Posted by PA32R
A very interesting analysis. But someone is paying to have Sarah Palin become a household word and make her attractive to the voting public. Who will pay to make the Boxfish desirable? Car companies pay Madison Avenue to make the cars they already make or will make desirable, they're not motivated to spend money to make people adopt a new way of evaluating automobiles. Two years ago, it was all about power. Now, it's all about fuel efficiency. Yet it's the same vehicles being advertised.
That is not an entirely un-biased opinion about Sarah Palin, so I have a rebuttal. This is NOT going to be the most popular view on this website because, quite frankly, most of us here are not Republican, as I am.
Who are the people that are paying for her name to become a household word and make her more attractive to the voting public? The Republicans? The Democrats? The Media? Surely you must be mistaken in thinking that someone is putting their hard earned money on this VP candidate to support her? She is by-in-large more experienced than Obama in all matters of governing and leadership because she has held offices and positions that he has not. He has not held any positions of power besides Senator (a job in which he has not performed a single act in the past two years due to campaigning for position of President.) She does not need assistance in making herself well known, her character and values speak for her.
In short the Republican
Vice Presidential candidate has more experience and is more prepared to lead this country than the Democratic
Presidential candidate.
Let the Flaming Begin