Radical left wing : All poor and non whites are victms of society, no matter the crimes. But if rich white people commit crimes it's because they are greed evil people.
Radical right wing : All violent criminals must die or putrefy on jail.
Radical feminists : People commit crimes because they are men, with a penis and testosterone and rape instinct. If they were gay or women there would be almost no crimes. If a woman commit a crimes it's becasue a man turned her crazy or the crimes was a regenge against a man who deserved it.
Rich People : If a family member committed a crime it's because of some psychologic problem, some disease... but not really his fault.
But they often think different if a poor people commit a crime.
Poor people : They think if they had money for a lawer, like rich people, they would not go to jail.
Last edited by All Darc; 05-07-2019 at 12:43 AM..