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Old 05-08-2019, 04:51 PM   #5773 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
You know what I haven't been able to find with Google is data on average EPA MPG by state. I wanted to know the average (mean) MPG of vehicles sold by state so I could see if there is a correlation between fuel tax rate, and MPG.

As I've been saying, the correct way to reduce consumption of something which has negative externalities is to tax it to achieve consumption goals.
Back in January,1991,The Institute for International Economics,Washington,D.C.,figured that a 100% increase in the price of gasoline would net a 10% reduction in consumption.
Historically,it would be political suicide to sponsor this sort of legislation.
However,a December,2018 poll revealed that 81% of registered voters were in favor of the Green New Deal,so maybe,today,the noose would be made of thread,rather than rope.
I'd love to see the experiment.
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