Originally Posted by aerohead
Back in January,1991,The Institute for International Economics,Washington,D.C.,figured that a 100% increase in the price of gasoline would net a 10% reduction in consumption.
Historically,it would be political suicide to sponsor this sort of legislation.
However,a December,2018 poll revealed that 81% of registered voters were in favor of the Green New Deal,so maybe,today,the noose would be made of thread,rather than rope.
I'd love to see the experiment.
A 10% reduction in what timeframe though? I imagine if you doubled the price of gasoline overnight, you would only achieve a 10% reduction at best, because it didn't allow enough time to adjust, and the only savings would be in reduced trips and carpooling.
If the government published their very gradual tax rate schedule well in advance, consumers and industry would have time to adjust to progressively more expensive fuel.
The Green New Deal went nowhere in congress if I am informed correctly. There's no way it has 81% support anywhere, including wherever AOC is from. She probably doesn't even have 81% support from her own family.