Originally Posted by Shaneajanderson
Simply put: if you don't live in a secluded cabin in the woods, and grow food from your own harvest heirloom seeds, and eating squirrels: you depend on truck traffic.
Which is why funding infrastructure with the general fund is equitable; the guy living in the woods alone still gets to dodge income and sales tax if they're truly off-grid and self-sustaining.
Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard
We subsidize gasoline / diesel at a much higher rate than we do electric cars.
That's not a true statement. The EV subsidy rate is much greater than gasoline.
Fossil fuels may receive more overall subsidy, but that's because it represents 98% of transportation energy.
As I've said, subsidy is usually the wrong way to influence a market. The proper way is to set specific measurable goals on the bad thing you're trying to limit, and then tax that thing until that goal is achieved. Everything else is corrupt politics.