Ryland/dann_04 - Part of what I'm wondering is whether aeromodding will be worth it, depending on the amount of weight gained from an aeromod, like, if I totally went hardcore and went straight for pure teardrop shape, would the weight gained in materials be justified in terms of the loss of drag? I realize there's probably no easy way to tell, but that's generally the line of thought I'm following.
I weigh about 60-70lbs more than my gf(who knows lol) and on her 50cc 4 stroke she can do 42, i can do 38. You also have to factor in that i am 6 inches taller than her and have about 3 inches more of shoulder so i am like a big parachute compared to her. so i think that just as long as you don't add over 50lbs you should be fine.