Thread: new guy, hello
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Old 01-18-2008, 01:50 PM   #7 (permalink)
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Finksburg, MD
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Terkle - '97 Toyota Tercel Whitehawk
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Bubble - '10 Toyota Yaris base
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Deva - '13 Chevrolet Spark LS
90 day: 39.82 mpg (US)

Malibu5 - '82 Chevrolet Malibu Classic
90 day: 17.61 mpg (US)

Highlander - '06 Toyota Highlander Limited
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Yeah, after a few days of poking around, i decided to sign up, thanks for linking me over here Daox

Unfortunaltly, i'm not really in a city, more of a rural town? i guess is the best way to put it, i called the temp agency i once worked for, they have nothing availible anywhere remotly near me

there's a few places i'm going to try next week, see if i can land something
-Greg...the exhaust freak.

-06 Highlander 3.3awd
-10 Yaris sedan
-97 Tercel, 1NZfe swapped
-96 Tercel
-82 Malibu 1UZfe swapped
-19 Fit (wifey ride)
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