Originally Posted by oil pan 4
That sucks that the hybrid portion on the Tahoe cuts out at 41mph.
I would rather have a smaller motor that can be used all the time than bigger ones that I can only use in stop and go traffic and in town.
Unless it's being used to deliver mail, there's almost no point.
no it does not it will still run parallel EV is only 29MPH then cuts to mixed mode
Engine is Required to run at 29MPH or in reverse gear or Manual Mode
NEUTRAL can be in auto stop.....
I wish it would kick in at 40-45 that would be ideal.. for my area
in the hybrid graphic it shows the electric motors doing something at higher speeds 80-90mph..(but rarely take it above 70MPH) as not to wear out the transmission planetary gears.
the other thing I hate is I can't go normal speed to get to 30mph