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Old 06-10-2019, 12:43 AM   #14 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Progress update: I got all the caps drilled out and I used about 2 and a half cans of carb cleaner on the inside of those ports. None were filled up but I got a TON of carbon out of there. Keep in mind this is after I used 2 cans initially just cleaning it up. There was all kinds of black gunk coming out of there.
I worked on tapping those holes today. I ended up going with a smaller bit and used that small platform those caps were sitting on instead of drilling them out (like I was planning) I figured if I screwed something up big time I’d at least have a back up plan.. haha
I went out and bought 7 10x1.5 16mm bolts. I then cut them down to be about 5-7mms then straightened out the threads, slapped some gasket maker on them, and threw them in. They seem to be holding well. I will likely slab gasket maker all over just to be sure since I my dremel didn’t wanna fit very well.
*worthy mention for the clueless ones like me: the sides of the ports were a bit tricky. I think the port opens up VERY slightly the further down the port extends. I will have to retap one of the sides for a bigger bolt because there was too much wiggle room in the bolt.

Also: is it even possible to go from obd 1 to 2? I’ve heard of conversions going from 2 to 1 but not the other way. Also.. multimeter was done for and I was inpatient. I wanted to do the caps on the intake manifold anyways so once it’s all back together I’ll be able to shoot some wires.

Next step it scraping all the gasket off my manifold and the cylinder. I’ll let everyone know if it makes a difference.
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