Originally Posted by Hersbird
No the fairest thing to do is just completely pay for the roads out of the general fund 100% and get the money from all the standard income taxes, property taxes, and sales taxes, and stop acting like in this one area of public service the roads somehow need to be self supported. They serve all the people equally.
Yeah, I agree with that position. We all rely on roads to transport everything we buy, and we should all pay for them regardless of whether we drive on them individually or not. But if we're going to have vehicle registration fees that [ostensibly] fund roads too, I think there should be some penalty for vehicles that put more stress on those roads and not just the vehicles that consume more, even if there is correlation between mass and fuel economy. Doing it this way would allow easing the burden on trucking companies as well since they're integral to the transportation of goods--simply lower the registration fees on tractor trailers, but keep it for 8,500+ lb GVWR personal vehicles.
Originally Posted by redpoint5
Registration tax by weight makes some sense too, and I could be for that. Gasoline taxes should remain as a disincentive towards use though, to be determined be each municipality and based on federal targeted consumption goals.
This is a good point too. I guess in my perfect world, I would jack up the federal gas tax to disincentivize consumption nationwide.