jamesqf -
Originally Posted by jamesqf
Why not do something more practical instead? Put up shade structures in the parking lot, and cover their roofs with solar panels. That way they can be oriented to face the sun, and generate whenever the sun is shining, not just when your car happens to be in a sunny spot.
Bingo. That's what I want :
Solar e-Clips - Parking Lot or Power Plant?
Close to half of the urban landscape in the United States is dedicated to automobiles and about 20% reserved for parking alone. With land becoming an increasingly scarce resource, attention has turned toward making parking lots more productive urban features, serving multiple functions rather than only providing space for cars that sit idle 95% of the time.
Parking lots provide an unparalleled opportunity for generating clean, renewable energy through installation of photovoltaics (PV). PV carports provide highly desirable shade for parked cars and can help improve air quality by reducing parking lot temperatures, thereby reducing hydrocarbon emissions from gasoline that evaporates from leaky fuel tanks and worn hoses.