Originally Posted by NoD~
Such a true statement. The IMA system was nice in town and did little on the highway. I achieved far more gains by switching to the RE92 tires than I could possibly have with the expense of a new battery.
I kinda wanna do a boat tail now and aim for 100MPG at 55-60MPH... lol
The Re92s are great tires. With them aired up you can, around town at low speeds, literally spend half your time coasting engine off without losing much speed at all.
I've been going back and forth about a boat tail myself for a while but I don't know if I want to modify the exterior aesthetics of my car that much lol. And in a car that gets over 90 MPG, even if a boat tail added 10 or 15 mpg, the ROI on a good looking one would likely be in the hundreds of thousands of miles.