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Old 06-19-2019, 12:55 PM   #5 (permalink)
lead foot
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Question first....

The 2012 6th was more than just the 2 gears but the parts needed to add them to your accord 5 speed?

"Let me get this straight" question...
With a (stock?) TSX Engine you're yearning for a 24" (185/70-14) tire along with your 3.4FD/.647-6th? What is the perceived effect on first gear?

I will be raising and widening the strut towers, building custom control arms and widening the front track to match the rear. HRV rear track is 62" front will be 60". RSX coilovers will go in all the way around.

The picture is the HRV rear sitting under the insight.

Just about all aftermarket K diffs are now available in AWD trim as its just a slight difference in tolerances due to the drive ring. If you already have a stock LSD you can pay about $300 to have one machined but not worth buying new since you can buy a Wavetrac for $699

One "AWD K FACT" is "AWD K TAX", this stuff is VERY popular and I have actually decided on one upgrade that this crowd WILL like. I am going to keep the swap as we are talking about it just as it is except FWD however the rear instead of being driven by the engine will be driven by this...

I figured (and I know very little) that I could add this in the mix for $10K (or hopefully well under) again, not 100%, or even 10% sure how good it would work but would be very cool, my wife absolutely loves the idea of making the insight a hybrid again even if it just by definition. Since there is no conversion (heater, A/C, 12v, etc) going on it would be rather simple. I can sell my AWD trans and buy more than all the parts I need for the FWD stuff. I can also keep my gas tank where its at.

A note on my engine, even though its a K20, cam and intake manifold is same as k24a4, compression is 11.7:1, the turbo is tiny and BB (GT2554r) and the idea was to make it have a K24 (K26?) feel but having driven both K20s and K24s there is no doubt you can feel the smoothness/lightness of the k20 over the k24 which can only be a good thing when cruising.
2001 Insight 11.5:1 K20a3 turbo / 04 Element
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