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Old 07-06-2019, 02:53 PM   #18 (permalink)
Not Doug
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Five-speed forever!

Shouty hates Jatco transmissions.

Does Toyota use Jatco?

Enough said, but I will not let that stop me!

[No, they make their own. So does Honda.]

Did Honda ever fix their CVT reliability?

"The Honda models with the CVT are the most reliable among all the lineups and CVT transmission life expectancy is the longest."

What the heck is this site and what credibility do they have? All right, so modern Honda CVTs last forever?

Just down that same page: "How long do CVT[...]s last if you take good care of them? At least more than five years!"


Supposedly Shouty said Honda CVTs are the most reliable. That page linked this video where he says he has seen dozens of Nissan CVTs fail, but never seen a Toyota CVT fail:

Here he says he has not seen Honda CVTs fail, so he assumes they are doing better:

Is Shouty the ultimate authority? Why--why would you even ask that? He just seems to give out his opinion more than anyone else. I cannot find data, just his opinion.

Can you slap people who say "CVT transmission?" Two immediate problems, 1, that is aggravated assault, and 2, since I never talk to people in real life, how do I slap people through the Internet?

Is there an app for that?

Is that the next million-dollar idea? The celebrity slap simulator? How do I make this happen?

What about people who complain that they cannot feel CVTs shift?

You cannot feel an electric car's engine fire. Put those people on my Want to Slap list.

They supposedly fixed this by making the CVTs act like they are shifting?

Add those engineers to my Want to Slap list. How dare they give customers what they want?!

I like the idea of CVTs being the most efficient, but I do not see myself buying one in the foreseeable future.
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