The plot
It thickens ...
The car was parked up all yesterday - post work pub requiring public transport utilisation.
Got in it this morning (running late, so didn't check the level).
A steady drive up the road at 60-65mph.
Got to within 1 mile of work and
after about 30 secs this went away, and the traction control had a paddy.
I'm thinking
1. The level was low when the car was cold, and reached the trigger level when it was sitting at a particular angle - setting off the alarm.
2. The sensor is failing/affected by the traction control freakery.
I know the car eats water. But how and why have still to be determined.
How I long for the point/carb/air-cooled GSA ..
My Blog on cars- Fu'Gutty Cars
US MPG for my Renault Clio 182