I am unsure where else to look. I have checked Advance Auto Parts, Amazon, AutoZone, Car ID, Car ID eBay, JC Whitney, Napa, O'Reilly's, Parts Geek, RockAuto, Summit Racing, and Walmart. I found heater cores from the following brands:
Spectra Premium
Best price: $45.80 from Car ID on eBay.
UAC $43.82 from Amazon
APDI/Pro $63.78 from RockAuto
OSC $63.78 from RockAuto
GPD $59.38 from Parts Geek
Metrix $79.53 from Parts Geek
It seems that brick and mortar stores offer lifetime warranties while on-line stores discount 50 - 60%, but there is only a one-year warranty.
I never want to do this again, so I am trying to figure out who makes the best one. Still, would I rather have a limited lifetime warranty from Napa for $108 or the same one from Car ID for $45.80?