Cool, some more unsolicited thoughts:
Note the analogRead*1000 reading and the pressure gauge reading at minimum pressure.
Note the analogRead*1000 reading and the pressure gauge reading at maximum pressure.
Note the analogRead*1000 reading and 25% pressure. At 50% and 75%
Graph and determine linearity or if curve function needed to predict pressure from analogRead.
the injectorDelay is probably a lot less than the typical 500. That initial pulse probably isn't 500us long. Might just be 100 us. How long is the pre-pulse?
The flow is a function of time and differential pressure. You have the input pressure, might need to guess at the BMEP (150.8 x TORQUE (lb-ft) / DISPLACEMENT (ci) ). Given that your injectors are at like 3000 psi at idle, and bmep is maybe 300 psi at full throttle? It won't represent more than a %10 error, should be much less. But worth thinking about.
What is redline on that anyway?