Originally Posted by ksa8907
The biggest difference in power is due to tuning and camshaft. The numbers aren't watered down.
To the OP, I would suggest taking the tires to 40psig, we saw a measured difference going from 35 to 40. What year do you have? You might be able to get a Tahoe hybrid front air dam to fit and you would have a factory look.
Nvm, I see you have an '08, the air dam should fit if you can find one.
Yes the tunning but it is a heavy duty crank shaft and cam as it has very strong for "high speed start ups" 1500-2000RPM is the typical start up speed..
it goes from 0 to 1500-2000RPM in under a second varies based on load
some people all ready have broken their I/O shafts on the transmissions
that is how strong the cam and crank shafts have to be..